20 October March For the Future in Photos

A great day was had.  CT4EU were liberally scattered at different parts of the march. Estimated numbers of people marching ranged from 760k to 1 million.  Here are some of the  the photos


30 October Peoples Vote March for the future

Join Us on 20 October !

Travelling up to London will be by train.  and you can meet up with others who are travelling on the trains published below.

If you wish to travel independently and meet up with us, you’ll find CT4EU and other Kent groups meeting up at Green Park, by the fountain from 12:00. 


Postcards from the 48% at the Gulbenkian, Canterbury

On the 3rd of August,  Director David Wilkinson documentary is being screened at the Gulbenkian theatre, Canterbury.  This is a documentary film made by and featuring those who voted Remain, the 48%, to show the other 27 EU Member States that it was far from a landslide victory and just why we are fighting to stay part of the EU.  Click here for more information, film review and ticket availability

FilmTalk: Followed by Q&A with film director David Wilkinson

C4E @ The Peoples Vote march June 2018

Canterbury for Europe attended the 23 June March. 

Good deal or bad deal, it’s definitely a big deal – and that’s why it should be put to a People’s Vote.

Sign the Petition here

If you have any photos to share please email in full resolution images for review. Thanks.

EuroQuuiz 2018

As part of the 14 April day of action, Canterbury for Europe (C4E) held a very successful Euroquiz at Tyler Hill Memorial Hall. Around 100 people attended the event, and we raised some £1,000 for our fighting fund.  Special thanks to Mary, Sibyl, Julia and Bill for organising this.

Leeds : The Great Northern March

C4E Kent ambassadors, Hugh, Nick, Graham and Magdalena, get up at the crack of dawn to drive up to Leeds and support the Great Northern March

Pro-EU campaigners’ message to Canterbury

The Canterbury Journal reported : Waving Union Flags with the yellow stars of European Union studded on them, anti-Brexit campaigners turned out to oppose Britain’s departure from the EU.

Some 40 people braved the rain and cold today (Sunday) to gather at the bandstand in Canterbury’s Dane John Gardens.

Many wore  stickers as they chanted “what do we want? EU. When do we want it? Now”.

The event was staged by the Canterbury branch of a group called Pulse of Europe.

Organiser Sabine Voigt said: “I’d like to thank everyone who came out despite the weather.

“Canterbury is a remain city. We want to remain in the European Union, we are the heartbeat of Europe. The problem with Brexit is that it has divided the country.”

After speeches under the bandstand, the group moved off for a short march around the city.

Among those supporting the protest was father-of-two David Edwards, 35. He said: “Brexiteers want to close down the debate, but the need for a strident opposition to Brexit has never been stronger.

“The government is hurtling towards a cliff edge that will cripple our farms and damage the universities.

“It takes people making a stand on cold wet days like today to make a difference – and we will. We aren’t giving up the fight.”

But the group’s activities were met with heckles from one man who shouted “we want Brexit” at them.

And they were not met with sympathy in other quarters.

Part-time surveyor Martin Youngs, 51, said: “Such spectacles are pathetic middle class tantrums by people far too used to getting their own way. They now find themselves clinging on to the EU like some bed-wetting kid who can’t let go of his favourite teddy bear.

“The decision of the 2016 referendum was to leave the EU. Any attempt to overturn the result is a despicable subversion of democracy.”

Pulse of Europe says it intends to hold further rallies throughout the year.

The Gazette reporting the Brexit Bus of truth

On 28 February the Brexit Bus of Truth came to Canterbury as part of it’s national tour. A welcome was organised on the freezing snow covered Pin Hill  Bridge. The Bus made it’s way up to Canterbury University.